Two Amusing Little Stories Of The Fable Kind, Both Of
them humorously illustrated, are published by Messrs. Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.,—The Biter Bit ; or, the Sad End of a Tail ; and The Yolk Laid on the Biggest Shoulder, in......
The Children Of The Week. By William Theodore Peters. With
Pictures by Clinton Peters. (Routledge and Sons.)—This, the title-page informs us, is "the honest and only authentic account of certain stories, as related by the Red Indian to......
Of Yearly Volumes Of Children's Magazines, We Have To...
:— Sunday .Reading for the Young. (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and Co.)_ The words "Sunday reading " are interpreted with a fair liberality, and we get here a really good volume,......
Pictures Of Native Life In Distant Lands. Depicted By H.
Lento- mann With Explanatory Text by Professor A. Kirchhoff. Translated from the German by George Philip, jun. (G. Philip and Son.)—These " graphic pictures," well drawn and......
Competitors : The Story Of A Friendship. By Mrs. Seymour.
(Griffith, Farran, and Co.)—This is, we suppose, a new book ; but there is no date on the title-page. This is an omission against which we would seriously remonstrate, for......
Twelve White Flowers. By Frances Livings And A. Livings....
Adams, and Co.)—These " twelve white flowers " are the Double White Camellia, the Poet's Narcissus, Eucharis Grandi- flora, Marguerite, Lily of the Valley, Lapageria Alba, Rose......
From Messrs. Griffith, Ferran, And Co. We Have Received...
picture-books, gaily coloured without, and printed within in large, clear type, and illustrated with drawings that are for the most part of considerable merit. We shall put them......
The Scottish Soldiers Of Fortune. By James Grant....
Sons.)—This volume bears a date-1889—but surely cannot be a new one; unless, indeed, it was left in manuscript by its author, who has certainly been dead several months. The......
From Messrs. Eyre And Spottiswoode We Have Received A Well-
executed reproduction of Jack the Giant - Killer, by Richard Doyle. Richard Doyle did this in 1842, when he was sixteen. His writing has been fac-similed, with one or two......
Tales Of King Arthur And His Knights Of The Bound
Table. By Margaret Vere Farrington. (G. P. Putnam's Sons )—Miss Far- rington gives in a brief introduction a summary of the little that is known and the much that is guessed......