24 NOVEMBER 1888, Page 23

Pictures of Native Life in Distant Lands. Depicted by H.

Lento- mann With Explanatory Text by Professor A. Kirchhoff. Translated from the German by George Philip, jun. (G. Philip and Son.)—These " graphic pictures," well drawn and coloured, illustrate the " typical races of mankind,"—that is to say, the non-Aryan races. We have twelve,—viz., the Aborigines of Australia, Papuas, Polynesians, Eskimos, American Indians, Hottentots and Bushmen, Negroes, Nubians, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, and Japanese. Not only are the physical characteristics of these races given in the plates, but many also of the imple- ments which they use in daily life, their dwellings, &c. Under the " Eskimos," for instance, we have a summer and winter scene, with a canoe, a team of dogs, and various other accessories. With the "Negroes," again, we have an African village, with the common domestic animals, and a particularly animated battle- scene. Professor Kirchhoff's notes are full of well-digested information.