John Francis (Publisher of the "Atheneum") : a Literary Chronicle
of Half-a-Century. Compiled by John C. Francis. 2 vols. (Bentley.)—In an introductory note to these thick volumes, Mr. Fox Bourne states that "through more than fifty out of the sixty years over which the life of the A thenomm has already extended, the late Mr. John Francis was the publisher." And the writer adds that he was far more than this, and took an active part in many of the religious and philanthropic movements of the day. Of his father's personal character, Mr. Francis promises to say more in another volume. The present work recounts in chrono- logical order the chief events recorded and the most prominent books criticised in the Atheneum between 1831 and 1882. It will be evident that such a work is intended for reference rather than for continuous reading, and the copious index and table of contents may make it of considerable service to the student. The reader who has been engaged for many years in literary pursuits will turn over these pages with very mingled feelings. In every chapter he will meet probably with the obituary of men with whom he was once familiar, or with notices of books and literary enterprises associated more or less directly with his own past history. The Atheneum has had among its contributors men of the highest mark in modern literature, and it deserves the credit of striving honestly to obtain impartial judgments at a time when the literary Press of London was in a large degree subservient to the interests of publishers. The volumes abound with curious and interesting statements, and in bringing before the public the most notable features of a dis- tinguished journal from its infancy almost to the present hour, Mr. Francis deserves the thanks of all readers interested in literature.