am oommissioned to ask you to help this appeal by giving it a place in your columns on Saturday next, the 27th.—I am, "Since the Hall began its work in 1870, 'nearly 400 students have, by its means, gained a share in the thoughts and traditions of Oxford. It was founded for members of the Church of England, but its educational advantages have always been open to others, and many such have availed themselves of them. It has prepared students for every kind of activity which is open to women. All are required to reach for the Honour Schools of the University, and many have obtained high academic distinctions.
The Hall has no endowment, and is entirely dependent for support upon the fees of the students and occasional gifts from friends. In the present buildings the students are cramped for space, there is no suitable Lecture Room, Library or Chapel, and every year sunny candidates for admission have to be refused.
. Plans have been drawn up by Mr. Reginald Blomfield, architect of the Wordsworth Buildings—the block last added—for a building which will contain a Dining Hall, Kitchen, Library, Principal's and Students' rooms. The cost of the whole, with the addition of a chapel large enough for the increased numbers, has been estimated at between £17,000 and .218,000:-427,000 for the Dining Hall and Library block ; £7,000 for the new Students' Wing ; not less than £3,000 for the Chapel.
A sum of nearly £5,000 has been raised through the kind gifts of friends and the efforts of students past and present, and the building most urgently needed, that containing Dining Hall, Library, and A few additional rooms, is to be begun early in 1000.
For help in raising the funds still needed, an urgent appeal is hereby made to all interested in the higher education of women. Some generous heart may even be moved to offer a special gift of the Chapel, the Library, or the Hall. Cheques should be made payable to Mrs. Toynbee, Hon. Treasurer, 10 Norham Gardens, Oxford.
Signed: EDWARD SOUTHWARK, Warden and Trustee (first Chairman of Council). THOMAG B. STRONG,
Dean of Christ Church (Chairman of Council)."