27 MARCH 1909, page 3

After Further Debate, In Which The Bill Was Opposed By

Lord Percy and Mr. Massie (who had previously presented an anti-suffrage petition with two hundred and forty-three thousand signatures), Mr. Asquith explained the position of......

A Meeting Of The General Committee Of The Shakespeare...

was held at the Mansion House on Tuesday, when it was decided that the scheme for establishing a National Shakespeare Theatre was practicable, and should be pro- ceeded. with.......

The Exchequer Receipts And Issues Return For March 20th Show

that the total receipt* for the week ended on that date were £6,813,000, inoluding £6,251,000 from revenue. Though the figures compare unfavourably with those of 1908 owing to......

It Was Announced On Wednesday That Mr. Satyendra Prasanua...

had been appointed to the Viceroy of India's Executive Council. Mr. Sinha, who will succeed Sir Homy Richards as Legal Member, is a distinguished Hindu lawyer who was recently......

The Declaration On The Laws Of Naval Warfare Drawn Up

by the recent International Conference in London was published on Monday. An agreement has at last been reached on the subject of contraband. Three lists have been drawn up of......

The New York Correspondent Of The Times States In...

paper that no alternative will be proposed to the Payne Tariff Bill. The minority, however, has submitted a Report attacking the Bill, asserting that it will increase the cost......

For Ourselves, We Extremely Deprecate All These Attempts...

the German Government to statements as to their inten- tions in regard to shipbuilding. Even if the German Govern- ment were willing to be perfectly frank in the matter, their......

The Indian Budget Was Presented To The Viceroy's Council On

Monday. The completed accounts of the year 1907-8 show a surplus of £306,000. The revised estimate for the year 1908-9 shows a total deficit of £4,292,000. The original estimate......


On Friday Week Mr. Howard Introduced His Bill Providing That

every adult having a residential qualification of three months shall be entitled to be put on the register, plural voting to be abolished, and women to have the same voting......

On Wednesday Evening Mr. Chiozza Money Moved A Resolu- Tion

in favour of graduating the Income-tax. He believed that if the system of declaration were carried right through the scale, £50,000,000, and probably £100,000,000, more......