27 MARCH 1909, page 22
The Turkish Revolution.*
OF the three books before us, that by Mr. C. R. Buxton is the mo3t important, though it adds few new facts to what Englishmen already know. 1.ti% Buxton was a member of the......
Praeoepta Horatiana.* The Thanks Of All Lovers Of Horace Are
due to Mr. S. E. . Winbolt for the attractive little book of Which the above is the subsidiary title. For if, as Mr. T. E. Page affirms in the - excellent introduction which he......
In Search Of A Polar Continent.* -t.ne Expeditions...
these two volumes fell on much the same dates and had the same objective. The proximate .goal in each case was the southern shore of Beaufort Sea,. west of Point Barrow; and the......