Shrewsbury School Register, 1734 - 1905. Edited By The...
Auden. (Woodall, Minshall, and Co., Oswestry.)—This is a corrected edition. The years 1734-1798 are represented by about twelve pages, The register began with Dr. Samuel Butler......
Tales Within Tales: Adapted From The Fables Of Pilpai. By
Sir Arthur N. Wollaston. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—The name of Pilpai is probably known to many readers, but his "Fables" are less familiar. Hero we have the best of them very......
The Mystery Of Golf. By Arnold Lis.ultain. (houghton,
and Co. 21s. net.)—We do not know whether there is anything absolutely new in Mr. Haultain's book. What there is, be it old or new, is well put. The "mystery" of the game is its......
A Dickens Dictionary. By Alex. J. Philip. (george...
Sons. 8s. 6d.)—" The Cho.racters.and ,Scenes of the Novels and Miscellaneous Works Alphabetically Arranged ", is Mr. Philip's sub-title. Wherever it is possible the original......