Tales within Tales: Adapted from the Fables of Pilpai. By
Sir Arthur N. Wollaston. (John Murray. 2s. 6d. net.)—The name of Pilpai is probably known to many readers, but his "Fables" are less familiar. Hero we have the best of them very nicely served up. Of course one recognises old.frionds. So we see Murad the Unlucky in the holy man who, having stored up in a jar some honey and oil sent him in charity;thought that he would sell them and buy five sheep with the money. The five sheep would soon increase till he had 'many flocks. Then be would marry and a son would be born to him. "I must take 'care to correct him," he went en; "v the occasion requires," and aiming 'e, blow with his stick‘ at the imaginary boy, he broke the jar.