27 MARCH 1909, page 23
Bartholomew De Las Casas. , Almost The First Thing We Bear
about. Las Caeas is that when he was a student at the University of Salamanca he owned an Indian boy who had been given him by his fathe r , Later on, when he had emigrated to......
Praeoepta Horatiana.* The Thanks Of All Lovers Of Horace Are
due to Mr. S. E. . Winbolt for the attractive little book of Which the above is the subsidiary title. For if, as Mr. T. E. Page affirms in the - excellent introduction which he......
The Letters Of Mrs. La Touche.* 'uts Is A Singularly
charming book, quite outside the usual run of memoirs and collections of letters. It is only now and then that we are admitted to a late knowledge of women like Nrrs. La Touohe......