The Antiseptic Of The • Press.
[To THE EDITOR or t HZ SPROTATOR."1 Sin,—Yon are to be thanked by all the members of our pro- fession, and by so many of the general public as care to fix their principles, for......
Grants To Poor Livings.
[TO Till EOITOR OF Till “SPROTATOR.1 SIR,—There is an important aspect of this question of which, I think, none of your correspondents has so far made mention, and that is the......
Slave-grown Cocoa.
[TO THS EOITOR or TUN " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,-4t is really not necessary for us to promise not to pur- chase cocoa-beans grown in Portuguese West Africa, as we have never used......
The Liberal Party And Free-trade.
cre THU EVITOR OF TO• "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—If Unionist Free-traders wish to see Liberal candidates stand aside on behalf of Unionist Free-trade M.P.'e (see Spectator, March 20th),......