27 MARCH 1909, Page 24

Transplanted Daughters. By Mrs. Burton Harrison. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—This

is a story chiefly concerned with the doings of an American lady and her daughters in London. Both the struggles of Mrs. Stanley Lansing over the brilliant marriages of her two detestable older daughters, and the picture of Flavin, the charming youngest sister, are well drawn. If the grouping of the characters reminds the reader a little too much of a fairy-tale with its in- variable wicked elder sisters and delightful youngest of the family, it is difficult to blame the author for taking so excellent a model for her story. The millionaire cousin who rejoices in the name of "Amasa Keeling" is perhaps a little commonplace ; but the whole novel is brightly written, and the pictures of tho two ungrateful daughters, one in her Scotch castle and the other in her villa on the Riviera, are amusing pieces of satire.