The Baptist Society, it is stated, are of opinion that
the arrest of Mr. Bowskill is prompted by a desire on the part of some of the minor Portuguese officials to revenge themselves Upon the missionary for trying to obtain the amelioration of the lot of the natives. We are glad to note that our Govern- ment are requesting information from the Portuguese Govern- ment on the following points: What is the charge against Mr. Bowskill, and where is he at the present time P They are further requesting the immediate release of Mr. Bowskill, pending inquiry. We fear, however, there is very little prospect of the Portuguese authorities mending their ways. They have come to the conclusion that, whatever words our Government may use, they will never come to acts in the matter of slavery and slave kidnapping. Therefore the Portuguese feel they can quite safely carry on their present system. When any specially regrettable incident occurs tending to show what so-called "free contract labour" really is in the Portuguese possessions, a few words of polite apology are all that is required.