28 FEBRUARY 1914, page 20

[to Tb. Editor Or Vas •' S.c.,08."1

Stn,—Can you permit me to add to my recent letters what I have said before in The Under Dog ? The service of the Antwerp Port Veterinary Inspection is excellent ; and the Port......

Nu S Ic.

MODES AND METHODS OF MUSICAL CRITICISM. IN a volume of essays rather cumbrously and repellently entitled Essentials in Piano.Elaying, and other Musical Studies (London : W.......

The Trade In Worn-out Horses.

[To rem EDITOR or rue •• Serer...ma:1 Sin,—With reference to my letter concerning the worn-out horse traffic which you kindly inserted in your edition of February 14th, Our Dumb......


Has Spring been on the earth—. Flowery carpet and curtain, Jubilant hedgerow mirth And glamour that comes to-day And goes for ever away— Never before for certain Has Spring been......

Mr. Williams-ellis's Cheap Cottage. We Have Received A...

of applications for the plans and working drawings of Mr. Williams-Ellis's cottage. These are now being reproduced, and ae soon as they are completed will be forwarded to our......

Atitice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated, " the Editor must not nereerarity to held to Le in agreement with the rims therein expressed cr uith the mode of......