THE BUSINESS OF A GENTLEHAILt Drcgrwsorr gives us in The Business of a Gentleman a spirited, highly coloured, uncompromising picture of the 6-The Resesetrtselien of the Nap......
Cuddy Yarborough's Daughter. By Una L. Silberrad_...
6s.)—Miss Silberrad may have intended at first to write a novel which should have for its chief interest the career of Violet, daughter to Cuthbert 'Yarborough, but she has not......
Readable Nover.s.—an Unfinished Song. By Mrs. Gliosal (t....
3e. 6d.)—A study of a Hindu girl's life and opinions, cast in the form of a novel, by the sister of Rabindranath Tagore; Mrs. Ghoeal is " one of the pioneers of the woman......
South Sea Shipmates. By John Arthur Barry. (t. Werner...
6s.)—We are told in the biographical preface to Mr. Barry's book that it was left in manuscript form at the time his death. Perhaps if he had lived to revise the proofs he would......