If This Scandal Is Not Checked At The Beginning, We
shall soon hear of Trade Union secretaries following in Lord Murray's footsteps and trying to increase their funds by bets on the St. Leger or the Oaks, or by a systematic......
A Remarkable Letter On Trade Unions And Gambling Appears In
Wednesday's Times. Mr. Arthur Balfour, Chairman of the Sheffield Works Societies—formerly voluntary associa- tions, now approved under the Insurance Act—writes to call attention......
The Bishop Of Zanzibar Preached A Sermon At All Saints,
Margaret Street, last Sunday, taking for his subject the "three narrow platforms of faith, hope, and charity." Passing over his references to faith and hope, we may note his......
Attempts Will, Of Course, Be Made To Minimize The Victory,
but in truth it is the writing on the wall. The leading Liberul who, according to the Times, exclaimed on hearing the result of the poll, "After Leith—anything !" was in no way......
Lord Sheffield's Excuses For Mr. Lloyd George Merely...
an argument that all landowners deserve to be driven out because they are believed to vote Tory ! How a man of his ability can bring himself to the advocacy of the very thing he......
The Result Of The Election At Poplar, Where A Vacancy
was caused by Sir Sydney Buxton's resignation on his appoint. meet as Governor-Gengpal of South Africa, was made known on Friday week, the Liberals holding the Beat, though by a......
On Thursday Week The Libel Action Brought By Major Adam,
formerly M.P. for Woolwich, against Sir Edward Ward, the late Secretary to the War Office, ended in a verdict for Major Adam, with L'2,000 damages. Probably the Army Council now......
Sir John Tenniel, Who Died On Thursday Within A Few
days of completing his ninety-fourth year, was a great Victorian worthy as well as a great illustrator. For fifty years he drew for Punch, and after Leech's death in 1864 be......
Lord Morley, Who Presided At The First Of The Rhodes
Lectures delivered by Professor Morgan at the University of London, gave an introductory address on Federalism. Dealing with the evils of Federalism, as set up in America, and......
The Cause Of The Union Has Won A Great Victory.
The polling in the Leith Burghs, which took place on Thursday, resulted in the return of the Unionist by a majority of 16. The Unionist candidate received 5,159 votes ; the......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
Jan. 29th Consols (21) were on Friday 76i—Friday week 761.......