Lord Morley, who presided at the first of the Rhodes
Lectures delivered by Professor Morgan at the University of London, gave an introductory address on Federalism. Dealing with the evils of Federalism, as set up in America, and foreseen by Alexander Hamilton, Lord Morley mentioned the danger of the facility of excess in law-making. If he was correctly in- formed, Congress had passed ten thousand Acts within the period of four recent years, and then there were the forty- eight States grinding ont Acts from their own Legislatures. Theyniad also to take into consideration the immense amount of litigation that accompanied this excessive legislation. Enthusiasts for Federal Home Rule will find but cold comfort in Lord Morley's candid pronouncement. His words as to the appalling legislative fecundity of Congress should put an end to the preposterous plea that we must adopt Federalism in order to relieve the Hones of Commons !