A. K. H. B. (t. Nelson And Sons. Le. Net.)—the
"country parson" was probably the best loved of all middle-Victorian essayists. The fame which ho won in the "sixties" led to an excessive revulsion in later years, when it was......
Columbia, And Endeavours To Show That The Chances For Money-
making in that promising province are better to-day than they have ever been. The country is not one for profes. sional men but for " workers "-an invidious distinction.......
Some Books Of The W Eek.
[Under this heading tee notiee such Book. of tho web no haw tut Dona toonwoot (Sr ether Jams.] The British Army How it is Made and Used. By W. G. Clifford. (Keith, Prowse, and......
Uppingham School Roll, 1824-1913. (e. Stanford. 811. 6d....
was founded by Archdeacon Johnson in 1584. The first Head-Master was David Blacke, appointed in 1587, with Robert Fullerton for his usher. The high modern reputation of......
On The Belations Between Spoken And Written Language. By...
Bradley. (Published for the British Academy by Humphrey Milford. Is. net.)—In this suggestive and interesting paper, which was read before the International Historical......
Still Happy Though Married. By E. J. Hardy. (t. Fisher
6s.)—Mr. Hardy's first book may justly claim to have given a "household word" to the English language. Its great popularity may have been due in part to the contrast of its......
Readable Nover.s.—an Unfinished Song. By Mrs. Gliosal (t....
3e. 6d.)—A study of a Hindu girl's life and opinions, cast in the form of a novel, by the sister of Rabindranath Tagore; Mrs. Ghoeal is " one of the pioneers of the woman......
Written; And He Has Given Ns Plenty Of It. The
tragic story of the aged Emperor-King affords as much material for gossip as that of any living notability. Wo do not greatly care for books of this class, but we are bound to......
The "citizen Series" Maps Of London. (g. W. Bacon And
Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—" What is London P" is a question even more difficult to answer than Sir Robert Peel's famous question, "What is a pound P" There are so many Londons —the......
Auction Developments. By Milton C. Work. (constable And...
net.)—Mr. Work, who claims to have been the inventor of Auction Bridge, now supplements his standard treatise on the subject by a highly scientific review of more recent......
B. L. S. By Francis Watt. (methuen And Co. 6e.
net.)— This agreeable book is what Macaulay used to call a "cote a long rambling gossip about the merits of a favourite author. Mr. Watt knows his Stevenson well, and has much......