Auction Developments. By Milton C. Work. (Constable and Co. 6s.
net.)—Mr. Work, who claims to have been the inventor of Auction Bridge, now supplements his standard treatise on the subject by a highly scientific review of more recent developments in the game, as played in the United States. It differs in many points from the English game. Thus the latest code of laws, adopted by the Whist Club of New York in November, 1913, eliminates the score for chicane, cute down the penalty for a revoke to a hundred points, gives dummy the right to call attention to a revoke or a lead out of tarn by the opposite side, and introduces several other novelties. Mr. Work here describes the new declaration of "Nullos "—i.e., to lose instead of making tricks over eix- which is now being widely played in America, though not in this country. He also discusses the conventional bids in Spades which are employed over there—three Spades showing long weak Hearts with side strength, four showing long weak Royals with aide strength, five showing strength in both Hearts and Royals, six or seven showing light No-trumpere with special strength in Hearts or Royale respectively.