The Archbishop Of Canterbury's Decision. [to Was Emma Or Rag
" eramerea."1 Snt,—Forgive my pertinacity, but a poor parson who wishes to obey the law must do his best to understand what the law is. You tell me that I must "prevent......
[to Ma Bones Of Tes Brimmob...1
Sta.,—How is it possible to conceive that the Creator of the countless myriad worlds strewn through the illimitable vast- ness of space, that the Lord God Omnipotent, would only......
[to Me Eomix Or Ma .erscuma..]
Sra,—Is it too late to suggest that the terms "broad-minded- ness," "charity," &e., are suffering a most lamentable and weekly abuse in your columns ? To the majority of your......
[to Tat Emma Or Ma Ebracrams...]
SIR,—To my amazement both you and your correspondent Mr. Macmillan appear to agree (though, I am sure, neither of you can mean it) that it is the bounden "duty" of every......
The Portuguese Amnesty.
[To not Zones or rag •'Srseraros'•1 Sin,—Last Saturday, February filet, it was announced that the Portuguese political prisoners would all be released on Sunday morning, and......
[to Ins Banos Es Run “sreernon."] Sin,—the Only Logical...
from your note to Dr. Field's letter in your last issue seems to be that the clergy are to be compelled to read into the rubric the words " before the age of twenty-one." After......
Denial Of Articles Of Faith.
(To me Emma or Tax flan:on:ma-) Sin.,—The Memorial on the above subject recently presented to Convocation is of grave moment to every member of the English Church. The wish of......