The "Citizen Series" Maps of London. (G. W. Bacon and
Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—" What is London P" is a question even more difficult to answer than Sir Robert Peel's famous question, "What is a pound P" There are so many Londons —the City, the County, the Metropolitan Police District, Water London, Telephone London, Ac. It was a happy idea to publish this atlas showing the various areas administered by one or other of the various authorities having control over "the great wen," as Cobbett scornfully called the Metropolis. Special maps show the Port of London and its wharves, fire brigade stations, postal districts, Coroners' districts, police districts, Parliamentary divisions, local government divisions electric and gas companies' supply areas, and so forth. We miss a map of Telephone London; possibly this may be supplied in the later editions which are save to be called for.