NEw EDITIONS.-The Manual of Heraldry. By Francis J. Grant. (Edinburgh:
John Grant. 2s. net.)-It costs £76 10e. to obtain a grant of arms in England, but only £44 10s. in Scotland-" a poor and haughty nation, proud in arms! "- Manual of Egyptian Archaeology. By Sir G. Maspero. (H. Grevel and Co. 6s. net.)-This sixth edition of a well-known classic has been excellently translated and brought up to date by Miss Agnes S. Johns.-Stanford's Geological Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland. By Horace B. Woodward. (E. Stanford. 12s. 6d. 'et.}-The appearance of a third edition of Dr. Woodward's well-known atlas indicates what a loss his death has caused to English geology.-The Ancient Boman Empire and the British Empire in India. By James Bryce. (Oxford University Press. 6s. net.)-This very suggestive comparison is reprinted from the author's Studies in History, and brought up to date.