28 FEBRUARY 1925, Page 1

The truth is that attacks upon the Royal Family are

very poor business. All sensible Labour men recognize to-day that every State must have its symbolical Head. They do not at all wish to exchange our crowned and hereditary President of the British Commonwealth for such an elected President as rules over France or the United States. An elected President is almost invariably an ambitious and powerful personality. All the good aspects of Republicanism arc already to be found in this country more than in the Republics strictly so called; and most thoughtful Labour • men are perfectly well aware of it. Nevertheless the Labour Party cut a very poor figure in appearing to be all at sixes and sevens; This was- a Parliamentary calamity,- for one of the most important things for the efficient functioning of Par- liament is that the Opposition should be strong and coherent in action. At the end of last week Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Clynes and Mr. Thomas all expressed the sensible view about the grant for the Prince of Wales.