28 FEBRUARY 1925, page 19

A Book Of The Moment

THE SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE [COPYRIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE New York Times.] The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Edited from the Quarto of 1609, with Introduction and......

Mrs. Arnold Bennett Has Written A Study Of Arnold Bernell,

" his habits, outlook, and home life " (Philpot), and pleasantly surprises us by her reticence. In this respect she is so exemplary that we are scarcely conscious of having......

A Whole Host Of New Books Are Published In Messrs.

Dent's series, The King's Treasuries of Literature. Most of them are well-remembered classics—Goldsmith, Arnold, Shakespeare. The two most interesting reprints are Trelawny's......

This Week's Books

THERE is nothing of exceptional importance among the books we have received this week. Mr. Bertram Newman has written a very clear and temperate study of Cardinal Newman (Bell).......

M. Jules Lemaitre Is The Wonder And Admiration Of Most

of our older dramatic critics. He was one of the first impres- sionist critics : he wrote, that is to say, straight from his reactions to the plays he saw, not bothering to......

Set About Inferring Them, Much Less Does It Reach The

inference. We have to take its facts, and to give them a meaning, and to draw our own conclusion from them." In a very closely reasoned but easily intelligible pamphlet, The......