28 FEBRUARY 1925, page 15

Sir,—your Correspondent, Miss Ann Pope, Is Very Ready To...

the mistress for any unsatisfactory conditions in domestic service, but passes lightly over the folly that induces a girl to leave a situation where she is being well trained,......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—as The -following...

seems to me of general interest I have obtained permission from the writer to forward it to you for publication on the understanding that her name and the address of the school......

"to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir, —while Everyone...

with the request of " Jab " for more week-end facilities for cheap travel which was published in your issue of January 24th, there is much to be said from the point of view of......

All-in" Insurance

[To the Editor of the .SPECTATOR.] Snr,—In the -comprehensive or "All-in " Insurance scheme which Mr: - Baldwin contemplates there seems to be afforded to the - Government nn......

Railways' And Week-end Fares

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—" Jab " refers to railway managers as " men of great experience," but he does not give them.credit for• profiting by the result of that......