28 FEBRUARY 1925, page 12

Commercial English

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—I have read with interest the letter of J " on " Com- mercial English " in your issue of February 14th. In his con- cluding sentence " J "......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sie,—not Only Has Your

correspondent, " J," happily deluded himself that Commercial English is a passing phase, but he must have lived far from the network of modern business life if he is optimistic......

The Theatre

ANOTHER PIECE OF HAMLET Tan new Hamlet from America was revealed to us at the foot of a formidable staircase which winds, at the Haymarket Theatre, up to the battlements of the......

Letters To The Editor

THE POST OFFICE AND THE TREASURY [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Smn,—Sir William Acworth's letter on the Post Office as a business proposition fails to convince. The Post......