28 FEBRUARY 1925, page 3

School Of Socialism Towards The Fiscal Controversy. He...

clear that in his opinion free and unregulated trade is in essence un-Socialistic and that therefore Socialists need have absolutely no objection, in principle, to Tariff......

The Financial Results Of The Wembley Exhibition Have Been...

in a White Paper. The expenditure was £3,900,000 and the receipts were £2,100,000—a deficit of £1,800,000. Although this is a considerable loss no rational person has ever......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.

July 5th, 1923. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101* ; Thursday week, 101* ; a year ago, 1001. 3 per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 784 ; Thursday week, 7916 ; a......

The Triennial Elections For The London County Council...

place on March 5th. The Municipal Reformers have, in our judgment, a very good right to be returned to office on their merits. They have reduced the rates by ls. 3id. in the £.......

All Europe, And Sweden In Particular, Have Suffered A Great

loss by the death of M. Branting, for three short periods Prime Minister of his country. Without agreeing with his Socialist theories we admired during the War the skill with......

The Times Of Tuesday Published Weighty Letters From Lord...

behalf of the Fine Arts Corn- rnission--and from Mr. Muirhead Bone pleading for the postponement of a decision to act on -the Report of the L.C.C. Special .Committee and destroy......

On Tuesday The London County Council Adopted The Report Of

the Special Committee. This means the demolition of Waterloo Bridge, the building of a new wide bridge with not more than five arches over the river, and the provision of a......