28 FEBRUARY 1925, page 1

The Private Bill Dealing With The Political Levy In The

Trade Unions is still the principal subject of controversy. Many Unionist organizations throughout the country have been urging the Government to give Mr. Macquisten's Bill......

Were Not The Government Returned To Fight Socialism ? And

is one of their first tactical movements to be the unnecessary act of giving choice of ground to their opponents ? We cannot believe it. The Government, have so much......

News Of The Week

I T is good news that the King, who has been much troubled by bronchitis, following upon influenza, is making much better progress. No doubt he is consider- ably pulled down......

As Our Parliamentary Correspondent Points Out Else-...

troubles of the Labour Party are serious and significant. What is called " want of discipline " is the root trouble. But that only means that the •members of the Labour Party......

The Truth Is That Attacks Upon The Royal Family Are

very poor business. All sensible Labour men recognize to-day that every State must have its symbolical Head. They do not at all wish to exchange our crowned and hereditary......

Editorial And Publishing Offices: 13 York Street, Covent...

W. C. 2.— A Subscription to The "Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postagz to any part of the world. Ths Postar on this issue is: Inland, Id.; Foreign, ld.......