28 FEBRUARY 1925, Page 25


DEEP SEA CHANTIES. Edited by Frank Shay. Illustrated by E. A. Wilson. (Heinemann. 15s. net.)

THESE lively ,and natural old songs are a treasure of huincur

and bold rhythm, and Mr. Wilson's decorations arc appropriate in manner and subject. The one pity is that we are not given the music as well. As a sample we may quote " The Dead

Horse," with the compiler's note : " A long-drag or halyard chanty. When the- sailor signs on he is given a month's pay

in advance which is spent before the ship sails. The Dead Horse' is the thirty days he must work before he begins to draw pay " :—

" They say, old man, your horse will die, And they say so, and they hope so. Oh, poor old man, your horse will die, Oh, poor old man I

For thirty days I've ridden him And when he dies we'll tan his skin.

And if he lives, I'll ride him again, l'll ride him with a tighter rein.

It's up aloft the horse must go, And they say so, and they hope so. We'll hoist him up and bury him low, Oh, poor old horse I "