READABLE NOVELS.--lifona's Weird. By Captain Henry Curtiss. (Everett and Co.
6s.)—"A Love Tale" is the sub-title; but the love is a tame affair compared to the crime.—Gilead Balm. By Bernard Capes. (T. Fisher Unvein. 6s.)—Mr, Gilead Balm organises a society which is to deal with the appeals of the "agony column." It is a capital theme and ably treated.—The Dean's Daughter. By Cecil Adair. (Stanley Paul and Co. 6s.)— A pretty and quite wholesome love story.—Fair Ines. By Ethel Turner (Mrs. H. R. Curlewis). (Hodder and Stoughton. 38. 6d.) —A picture of Australian life with some excellently drawn figures in it.—Sarah's Diary. By E. M. McDougall and Judith Shim- well. (Robert Colley. 35. 6d.)—" Sarah" tells in a very natural way the story of her life for some nine years. Captain Farndall occupies the chief place ; but she does not forget the Wesleyans. She ought to have found at Oxford that John Wesley did not graduate at Lincoln College.