28 JANUARY 1911, page 36

Children Of The Cloven Hoof. By Albert Dorrington. (mills...

Boon. 6s.)—This story has much in common with the ordinary tale of adventure and crime, the escape of the criminal, the peril of the innocent. But it has much that is......


THE FIDDLER.* Mits. J. 0. Aim= is not the first novelist to bang a tale on the peg of the fetish-worship of Family with a very big F. But if she is not the first in the field,......

Readable Novels.--lifona's Weird. By Captain Henry...

6s.)—"A Love Tale" is the sub-title; but the love is a tame affair compared to the crime.—Gilead Balm. By Bernard Capes. (T. Fisher Unvein. 6s.)—Mr, Gilead Balm organises a......

R. H. Hadden.*

WE wish that biographies were more often constructed on the modest scale which Mr. Pearce has here employed. In a volume of little more than two hundred pages he gives us a......

Anne Kempburn, Truthseeker. By Marguerite Bryant. (w....

which the heroine seeks is con- cerned with social matters. In the search she takes a position as assistant-secretary with a certain Paul Arrington, a quite definitely outlined......

The Quarterlies.

"Tan Political Predicament" is the title of the article in the Edinburgh which deals with current affairs, and it exactly describes the situation. "An unfortunate or trying......