Representation Of The University Of Cambridge In Parliament.
[To TH2 EDITOR, OF TH2 " SF2CTIT02.1 SIR, — On behalf of the Incorporated Association of Assistant- Masters I beg to enclose a letter which is being sent to the members of the......
"representation Of Cambridge University In...
PAGE. DEAR SIR,—Mr. T. E. Page will be nominated for the vacancy in the representation of the University of Cambridge caused by the death of Mr. S. H. Butcher. There are strong......
Mrs. Sherwood And Mrs. Cameron.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOft."3 SrE.,—I was much interested in reading the letter on Mrs. Sherwood which appeared in your issue of last week, signed "Eighty-five." I am five......
A League Of English Speech.
[To THZ EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—The finest and most inspiriting of our political ideals is surely the brotherhood of English-speaking men,—of the peoples of the British......
Lucretius Or Scott? [to Run Enrros Or The "spectator.n
Srn,—Will you allow me to "break a lance" on a passage in a review of a recent work embodying Tennyson's observations in natural science which appeared in the last number of......