An Appeal To Ulster.
[To THE EDITOR Or Tlis SIE,—I plead guilty to an error in giving the Home-rulers a majority of one in Ulster. The majority is the other way,— viz., seventeen Unionists, fifteen......
Via Media.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Si,—There are majorities and majorities. A majority of one may well suffice for a committee of a hospital or club, or for the directors of a......
Mirabeau's Opinion Of Single-chamber Government.
[TO THR EDITOR OF THZ "SPECTATOR...1 SIR, — Conservatives, as a class, do not usually look to pro- fessed Republicans for a lead. Little, if anything, from that point of view......
A League Of English Speech.
[To THZ EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."' SIR,—The finest and most inspiriting of our political ideals is surely the brotherhood of English-speaking men,—of the peoples of the British......
Mr. Walter Long At Bristol.
[TO TER EDITOR 07 TIM "Srxcrsros."1 SIR, — As I had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Long's address at Bristol on January 18th, you will perhaps allow me to comment on the......