Messrs. G. Routl Edge And Sons Publish .a Dictionary Of
the Waverley Novels, by G. Husband (8s. 6d. net), and I Dictionary of Thacheray, by J. G. Mudge and M. E. Sears (same price). The plan in both works is to give an alphabetical......
Wellington's Battlefields Illustrated : Bussaco. By...
Chambers. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)-Massena had about sixty-two thousand men in the field; Wellington fifty-two thousand, about two-fifths of the latter being......
The Origins .and Aims Of 111e Four Gospels.
The Origins and Aims of the Four Gospels. By the Rev. J. M. Wilson, D.D. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Wilson gives us here a moderately conceived and clearly expressed......
Ethnology Of A-kamba And Other East African Tribes. By C.
W. Hobby. (Cambridge University Press. '7s. 6d. net.)-This is one of the books for which a reviewer can do little more than express a general sense of the service which such......