A Terrible Railway Accident, Attended By Serious Loss Of...
took place on the Taff Vale Railway on Monday morning just before 10 o'clock. A train running from Swansea to Cardiff, and containing some two hundred passengers, dashed into a......
Sir Alfred Hopkinson, Vice-chancellor Of The Manchester...
brilliant and witty speech on proportional representation at a meeting in Manchester on Tuesday. He said that if a democratic Government was not to become a tyrannous......
At The Guildhall Police Court On Monday Mr. Bodkin Out-
lined the case for the Crown against the five prisoners brought up in connexion with the Houndsditch murders. The three men, Josef Federof, Jacob Peters, and Yourka Dubof, are......
Mr. Bodkin Then Described The Meeting Held At Grove Street
on the day of the attempt, and the details of the shooting, the Crown ease being that Gardstein on being wounded was assisted from Exchange Buildings back to Grove Street by......
The Home Secretary Has Issued A Characteristic Memo-...
his action in the case of the old shepherd of Dartmoor. Mr. Churchill states that the case attracted his attention early last year when he was "looking into the working of the......
The Times Of Last Saturday Brought To Light An Infamous
traffic in scandal and tittle-tattle which it should be the object of every decent person to try to kill at the source by refusing to countenance newspapers which publish such......
The Letter Of The Bishop Of London Published In The
Times of January 18th objecting to 'the issue by the Chancellor of licenses for the marriage of divorced persons, and conveying to that official his desire that no such licenses......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 4i Per Cent.
Jan. 26th. Consols (2i) were on Friday 791—Friday week 79i.......