Shelley's Poems of 1820. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by
A. M. D. Hughes. (The Clarendon Press. 8s. 6d.)—The volume of 1820 contained "Prometheus Unbound," and nine miscellaneous poems, of which "The Sensitive Plant" and "To a, Skylark" are the most famous. The MS. sent to the printer is not in existence ; but we know that it was written by Mrs. Shelley from the poet's dictation. The proofs were corrected by friends in England, and with indifferent success. Here we see possibilities of abundant errors, and much scope for textual criticism. There also exists a draft in Shelley's handwriting, corrected in some places after Mrs. Shelley's MS. had gone to the press. Finally, in the edition of 1839 wo have some corrections "from a list of errata made by Shelley himself." It is evident that Mr. Hughes has had a task of some difficulty. He has discharged it well, giving us also a serviceable Life of the poet—we are glad to see a condemnation of the Harriet Westbrook affair—and a copious annotation.