28 JANUARY 1911, Page 37


[17ndsr this heading ws notice such Books of Da *Mit VI ham sot boot resereedfor revirte nt other forms.] A Proposed New Hymnal. Compiled by the Rev. Arthur Wollaston Hutton. (E. G. Berryman and Sons.)—A Committee has been formed for the bringing out of a new hymn-book, and Mr. Hutton has compiled the volume before us for its con- sideration, "not in the interest of any party or school as dis- tinct from the broadening trend of English Chtuehmanship and of English Christianity as a whole." We cannot undertake to examine it in detail, but we may say that the impression left by the preface, in which the object and principle of the selection are set forth ; by the reasonable division into parts, in which the needs of various seasons and aspects of life are considered, while the hymns themselves are assorted; and by the selection itself, as far as we have been able to examine it, is highly favourable. We gladly give such publicity as we can to the undertaking. The clergy are invited to ask for copies, Which will be sent them post-free by the publishers.