28 SEPTEMBER 1901, Page 1


wHE Czar concluded his French visit on September 22nd, after witnessing at Rheims a review of more than a hundred and fifty thousand men. At the lunch, which was given in a mag- nificent marquee "draped in yellow velvet," M. Loubet, after thanking his Majesty for attending the "comforting" spectacle, proceeded to praise the Alliance, which, concluded by Alex- ander III., is now bearing fruit. "If none may doubt the essentially pacific idea out of which it arose, none can ignore the powerful aid it has afforded to the maintenance of the balance of power in Europe, a vital condition essential to peace, which, to be fruitful, must not be precarious." The Czar replied in a speech expressing his gratitude for his recep- tion, and for "days so crowded with impressions." "We shall continue near and far , to associate ourselves with all that concerns France our friend." " The intimate union of two Great Powers animated with the most peaceful intentions, which do not seek to infringe upon the rights of others, but mean to have their own respected, is a precious element of appeasement for humanity as a whole." The appeasement is perhaps too perfect for Frenchmen, if, as M. de Cassagnac affirms, and the Viennese journals repeat, the entire visit con- secrates- the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine. The Czar and his suite then left for Russia vici Kiel, where they arrived in safety.