28 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 23

Some Books Of The Week.

puler this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been r eserved for review in other forms.] Cerenwnies and Processions of the Cathedral Church of Sarum. Edited by......

Old Anglicanism And Modern Ritualism. By The Rev....

(Skeffington and Son. 5s.)—Mr. Meyriek was doubt- less reckoned a High Churchman forty years ago; but the sig- nificance of the term has now greatly changed. It is applied to......

Fables And Folk - Tales From An Eastern Forest. By Walter...

MA. (Cambridge University Press. 7s. 6d.)—These tales, we are told, "were taken down from the lips of the Malay peasantry" during the Cambridge Expedition of 1899. They......

The Ethics Of Judaism. Part I. By M. Lazarus, Ph.d.

Trans- lated from the German by Henrietta Szold. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—This is the first of four parts in which Professor Lazarus intends to discuss his subject. The......

Novels Of The Week.*

The Death of the Gods, by Dmitri Merejkowski, is, as we learn from the introduction contributed by the trans- lator, the first section of a trilogy named Christ and Anti-......

Pictures Of Church History In Pen And Pencil. By Charles

Tylor and Gordon Hargrave. (S. W. Partridge and Co. 3s. 6d.) —Here are some fifty sketches of great men and important events during the first seven hundred years that came after......

History Of The Ancient Synagogue Of The Spanish And...

Jews. By Dr. Moses Gaster. (Not published.)—We noticed in these columns on August 10th the account of the Jewish applica- tion to Oliver Cromwell, made, it was alleged, by......