28 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 2

The Millenary Commemoration Of King Alfred Was Carried...

Winchester last week in a manner worthy of the °m- elon, the proceedings culminating in the unveiling by Lord Rosebery of a statue of Alfred, executed by Mr. Banjo Thorny.......

The Duke And Duchess Of Cornwall Have Quitted Ontario For

British Columbia. They travel in a splendidly appointed train, with every luxury it is possible to secure for them, and the panorama through which they will pass is of most......

One Cannot Blame The Smaller Clerks Of The Treasury For

not paying out money without the regulations being co mp li ed with to the letter; but why does not some big official at the War Office or the Treasury, or, for the matter of......

We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Appointment Of General...

to the command of the First Army Corps, and the public-spirited protests of the St. James's Gazette and the Oellook in regard to it, but we may note here that the Outlook......

The War News From South Africa Shows A Slight Improve-

ment this week, though a "regrettable incident" has occurred at Vlakfontein, in the Orange River Colony, where two guns and upwards of a hundred officers and men were captured ;......

It Is Difficult To Write With Coolness And Moderation In

regard to the treatment which the Yeomanry are receiving in the matter of their arrears of pay. If the allegations made in the Daily Telegraph of Wednesday are true, and we see......

Lord Rosebery, At The Ceremony , Of Unveiling The Statue,...

the function of public orator with his wonted skill. In Alfred, as be said, we venerate "not 80 much a striking actor in our history as the ideal English- man, the perfect......