28 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 1

The Letter Of The Chinese Emperor Apologising To Japan Fop

the merder of the Japanese - Chancellor of Legation; and The letter of the Chinese Emperor apologising to Japan fOP the merder of the Japanese - Chancellor of Legation; and the......

The Duke And Duchess Of Cornwall Have Quitted Ontario For

British Columbia. They travel in a splendidly appointed train, with every luxury it is possible to secure for them, and the panorama through which they will pass is of most......

The Excessive Delay Which In The United States Destroys The

effect of sentences for murder has not marked the trial of Czolgosz, the Anarchist assassin. The jury was allowed to assemble on Monday without innumerable challenges, the......

News Of The Week.

wHE Czar concluded his French visit on September 22nd, after witnessing at Rheims a review of more than a hundred and fifty thousand men. At the lunch, which was given in a mag-......

President Roosevelt, who has been under fire pretty often, has evidently decided that the best way to deal with Anarchists is to defy them. He will Lave no personal guard and no......

The German Emperor Is Really An Original Being. The Village

of Wysztyten, on the Russian border, was on August 26th destroyed by fire. The Czar set aside 5,000 roubles for the suffering people, and, it is supposed, distrust- ing his own......

• ,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In

any case.......