28 SEPTEMBER 1901, Page 1

The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall have quitted Ontario for

British Columbia. They travel in a splendidly appointed train, with every luxury it is possible to secure for them, and the panorama through which they will pass is of most varied interest ; but so vast are the distances that before they return they will have been nearly a month on board the train. As the vibration cannot be wholly suppressed, even for Royal passengers, that must prove for all a fatiguing; and for the Duchess a most trying, journey. Her Royal Highness is not habituated like her husband to the tedium of ship life, which to some natures is nearly unendurable. The Royal pair will, however, have had the satisfaction of an unprecedented journey, during which they must have learned much, and have undoubtedly given much pleasure to subjects of the King, who perhaps come too seldom into contact with the splendid aide of the Monarchy. So far the journey has been unmarked by any jarring incident.