28 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 17

Modern Medical Bulletins.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 la,—In your article in the Spectator of September 21st entitled " The Search for Health" it is stated that "the detailed ac- counts of......


SEEKERS AFTER GOD. IP on some still and sombre night One set a candle on the ground, The worm and the woodlouse, lured by the light, Ere long will gather round: Those dingy......

The "true Religion" Of St. James.

[TO TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] .,I3,---May I suggest that the able advocate to whom was entrusted the " apology " for the Epistle of St. James in the S p jet or of......

Continental Opinion On The War.

[To THE EDITOR Of THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—It was doubtless difficult to find room for the whole of the remarkable interview with the Swedish-Norwegian Consul- General at the Cape......

A Correction.

. [TO THE EDITOlt OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Szn,—Mr. Edward Eggleston may be "shaky in his classics, as you state in the notice of his "Transit of CiVilizano n contained in your......


THE CHILDREN OF THE NATIONS.* THE world has changed its mind on many questions of politics, but there has never been so complete a right-about-turn as in English opinion on the......