28 SEPTEMBER 1901, Page 16


. [TO THE EDITOlt OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Szn,—Mr. Edward Eggleston may be "shaky in his classics, as you state in the notice of his "Transit of CiVilizanon contained in your issue of August 17th, but it will be gee consolation for him to note that his reviewer is similiarlY shaky. Ovid does tell us that " kine in decomposition pro: duced honey bees." See the story of Aristaeus in the Fast], I., lines 363.80, where, after giving the command of Protein- obrio mutat corpus tenure juvenci, &c.—the poet proceeds Fervent examina putri de boys. Mille animas una necata

2eat.-1 , &c., University of Mount Allison College, Sack-Mlle, N.B.

[surely the reference should have been to the locus eiassicus.—En. Spectator.]