28 SEPTEMBER 1901, page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—From time to time I have been so interested and amused by reading in the Spectator accounts of vivid and realistic dreams that I feel......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator...] Sin,—i Venture To Send

you the account of a remarkable dream. It was told me by one of the last men in the world one would associate with the dreaming of dreams and the seeing of visions. The account......

The British Officer: The Case For The Defence.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] Sra,—Is it not time that some one came forward to vindicate the English officer against his detractors? The cant of patriotism may be......

The " Taal."

[TO TRH EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR." Stn,—Without entering into any controversial questions, I venture to send you a cutting from the Natal Witness of August 31st which takes a......