(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sne,—In reading your interesting article on "The English Monsoon" in the Spectator of September 21st, I think you must have made a mistake as to the monsoon of September, 1895. You write : "In 1895 our monsoon set in with great violence on September 1st, and continued for a fortnight." Surely you must have meant October. I registered no rain in September until the 6th, when almost half-an-inch fell, and the total fall of the month was only 0-693 in. ; whereas in October rain fell on every day till the 10th, and 1.058 in. on the 9th. Besides, a few lines further down the column you speak of the heat and drying winds of August and September in that season. You write of an autumn in the " seventies " when the rain began in late August' and never ceased till the end of October. I believe the year was 1872. I was living at Wyllie, in the North of Ireland, at that time, and the rainfall of August was 4.770 in., of September 9-277 in., and of October 5.298 in., and there were only twenty-one days without rain during that time.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Stratford-on-Avon. FRANK SMITH, Priest-Chaplain.