A deputation from the Eighty Club which is visiting Hungary
as the result of an invitation from M. Francis Kossuth, the Minister for Commerce, was entertained at a. banquet given by the Hungarian Government at Budapest last Saturday. The Prime Minister, Dr. Wekerle, proposed the health of King Edward, Count Albert Apponyi welcomed the guests in an admirably worded speech, and Mr. Henry Norman, M.P., responding for the Eighty Club, acquitted himself with distinction in a difficult and delicate task. After explaining that they were merely private members of a political party and a political club, who spoke for themselves alone and without any mandate, he alluded to the stimulating influence of Hungary's past and the vitality of her preset. He very properly disclaimed any attempt to pass judgment on Hungary's own problems, contenting himself with expressing the hope that Hungary, in equal measure giving to and receiving from the greatness of the Dual Monarchy, might ever grow in prosperity and happiness under the blessing of peace. Mr. Norman's tact has been freely recognised by the Nene Freie Presse of Vienna, and Count Apponyi has assured the members of the Eighty Club that the Hungarian Government will take no umbrage if they accept Austrian hospitality on their return through Vienna.