29 SEPTEMBER 1906, page 1

A Deputation From The Eighty Club Which Is Visiting Hungary

as the result of an invitation from M. Francis Kossuth, the Minister for Commerce, was entertained at a. banquet given by the Hungarian Government at Budapest last Saturday. The......

The Brunswick Succession Question Has Suddenly Been...

action of the Diet of the duchy. The legiti- mate heir, the Duke of Cumberland, having refused to renounce his claims to the kingdom of Hanover, which was incorporated in the......

News Of The Week.

A S we go to press the Cuban crisis is still undecided. During the whole of the past week Mr. Taft has been busily engaged in negotiating with the Cuban Government on the one......

Prince George, Who Has Been Governor Of Crete For Eight

years, left the island on Tuesday. In a farewell proclama- tion to the Cretans the Prince urged upon them the need of showing Peace, harmony, and prudence if they were to con-......

We Trust That Public Opinion In France Will Not Be

misled into thinking that the attack which Archbishop Bourne, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, thought it right to make upon the French Government in his speech to......

* * 4 , The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
