Poor Law Expenditure.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TIIR .SPECTATOR." J SIR,—In your article of the 1st inst. under this title the explanation which you suppose will be given of the great increase in poor relief......
Compulsion Or Voluntaryism ?
TIIR EDITOR OP TRH " SPROMTOIL"J Su,—The evident sincerity of the letter from Mr. Auberon Herbert headed "The Free Man or the Bound Man P" pub- lished in your columns of......
The "spectator" Experimental Company.
ITo THR EDITOR OP THR " SPECTATOR.") hope you will see your way to carry out the suggestien made by Mr. Auberon Herbert in the latter portion of his letter published in your......
[to Mg Editor Or The "srscr,roa."l Sir,—surely The Cry Of
"compulsion," as an argument against universal military service, is an argument most unsound and unphilosophical. Does Mr. Auberon Herbert (Spectator, September 22nd) admit its......
[to The Editor Of The " Speotator.1
SIR,—Many of your readers will, I am sure, look with interest, if not with anxiety, to the comment which you promise us on the offer of alliance held out to the Spectator last......