Pro The Editor Of The " Speciator."1
Sia,—In your issue of the 15th inst. we had the welcome news that henceforth the influence of the Spectator will be on the side of those who believe that military training for......
L Etters To The Editor.
[TO TUS EDITOR OF Tax "SP ROT A.TOR."] SIR,—Some years ago, when Mr. William O'Brien came to Canada propagating Home-rule, an association was formed, under the name of "The......
Universal Training.
[TO TR& EDITOR Of THE "SPECTATOR."] is to Le hoped that our popular War Minister has watched with interest the progress and result of the Spectator Experimental Company, and,......
[to The Editor Of The " Speotator.1
SIR,—Many of your readers will, I am sure, look with interest, if not with anxiety, to the comment which you promise us on the offer of alliance held out to the Spectator last......