Celebrated Crimes Of The Russian Court. By Alexandre...
and Blackett. Os. net.)—M. Dumas went out to report on the results of Alexander IL's emancipation of the serfs. If he went to bless, he did not exactly fulfil his purpose, for......
France In 1802. Edited By J. A. C. Sykes. With
Introduction by Richard Davey. (W. Heinemann. 6s.)—One Henry Redhead Yorke went to Paris in the days of the Revolution and witnessed some striking events, the trial of the King......
The Complete Rugby Footballer. By D. Gallaher And W G.
Stead. (Methuen and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—" It is our object," say the authors of this book in the opening lines of their first chapter, "to show to what point of development we......
Victoria History Of The Counties Of England :...
I. (A. Constable and Co. 31s. 6d. net.)—We have received the first volume of this addition to the "Victoria County Histories." We may be able to give a further notice when the......
The Official Year Book Of New South Wales. By W.
H. Hall. (W. A. Gullick, Sydney.)—This, the first volume of the kind published by the New South Wales Government, is, we need hardly say, full of interesting facts. After a......
Was Practicable, Under Various Headings. Chap. 1, For...
headed "Race, History, Topography"; chap. 2, "Biography, Genealogy, Sm." ; chap. 3, "Language, Dialect." Of course, many curious and fanciful things are to be found among these"......